Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The daddy daughter dance

A few weeks ago, I called Mark and asked him if he wanted to take Delaney to a daddy-daughter dance.  

Mark: (sigh) (long pause) "I guess"
Me: "Great! 'Cause I already signed you up and paid for it!"

Delaney had been given a gorgeous glitter dress from her great grandma the day before, and she was dying to get to wear it outside of the house, so was super excited about the dance.

Yes, I let my 3 year-old daughter put on my 24 hour lipstick.  By herself.  She still had it on two days later after multiple washings- that stuff is good.  And she might be putting it on her tongue in that picture.

She requested an "Elsa" braid (from Frozen if you live in a non-child cave).  I think I rocked it, although Mark said it had completely fallen out after a few moves on the dance floor and she was a sweaty mess with no braid when she arrived home.

Excuse me, miss, but you have some lipstick on your teeth.

This girl loves her daddy.  They got home well past her bedtime, complete with a neon glow necklace and a pink balloon animal.  I think that equals success.  They both said they had a great time and will be going again next year:)

Be still my heart.


  1. Hey, I have a question I wanted to ask you regarding your blog. If you could send me an email when you get this, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks!

  2. Beautiful pictures! My 2 yo and husband went to a Daddy Daughter dance a couple of months ago and it was just precious. So thankful to our Lord for these moments of joy in a sorrow filled world.

    PS. Have been praying for you regarding the absence of baby Sawyer. Thankful that the Lord comforts those that are mourning. I know He is continuing to be your strength and comfort during this time.
