Thursday, August 4, 2011

Embrace the Camera!

Lately, our evening are very monotonous.  Mr. H gets home and the 3 of us (and our dog Sirius) sit on the floor for a couple hours playing with toys until it is bedtime.  Del keeps us busy by showing us her new walking skills (um, yes she took her first steps this week!  Woohoo! ), playing with her Elmo guitar, and throwing books from the shelf onto the floor. 
So, that's pretty much our evening. 
 Not exciting, but simple, which is nice.

embrace the camera


  1. Isn't it so fun to watch them walk? Your evenings sound lovely to me. :)

  2. Those simple evenings are the best :)

  3. Great family pic... simple is NEVER a bad thing! Sometimes I crave simple!!

  4. Simple is so nice sometimes! I loathe when my schedule gets hectic, it makes me want to find the nearest corner and rock back and forth muttering "there's not time, there's never any time!". Beautiful Family!



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