Monday, August 1, 2011

We're in OK Magazine!

Last week was an exciting week for us at Tag...You're It! (When I say "us", I mean Brodi and myself, since the two of us make up the company and all of the employees).  We were given the opportunity to advertise in OK magazine, and the issue hit newstands last Thursday.  So, of course, we threw all the kids in the van and drove around searching for it.  We tried Speedway gas station (no luck), Target (still had the old issues), and CVS (still had the old issues).  We had already driven around Central Indiana looking for a copy with no luck, so we assumed we were wrong and it was coming out Friday.  So, I had just laid Del down for a nap when our grandma called to tell us she had picked up an issue at Walmart and the ad looked good! (leave it to our grandma to be the first to find it).  SO, I made Mr. H stop on his way home from work and pick up 3 copies. 

And yes, I stared at for an hour. 

And yes, I framed it. 

And yes, I read the rest of the magazine about J LO and Ben Affleck and how they are going to get back together. 

I hate to walk down memory lane, but I remember sitting at a Jiffy Lube over a year ago and seeing a full page handstamped jewelry ad in a Wedding magazine.  I ripped the ad out and had it hanging on the wall in my office for a long time as motivation.  I decided that my goal was to advertise in a magazine.  And although it was not a full page ad, and it was not in an upscale wedding magazine, I feel pretty excited and hopeful about our advertisement and am happy to report that in place of another companies ad on my wall, I now have my own ad up as motivation! 



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